Monday, May 23, 2011

...OMFG really?

You know what I love?

People who don't have a fucking clue what they are talking about. I also love people who usually have an issue with putting a name to their opinions.
Hey, anonymous people who LOVE to pop in and out of my life to fill my social media vehicles with garbage. 
This one is for you!

I wish what I had was just a persecution complex I had to work out with a therapist.
Good thing is that I don't. Bad thing ? Is that the idiots who actually take the time to persecute and stalk and try to be me...are the ones in need of psychiatric help.
Those...most CERTAINLY need to get their issues resolved with a therapist.

If you were the one on the other side, getting threats for no apparent reason, phone calls, e-mails, etc...I am positive you wouldn't sit there and open your stupid face to come over here and type things like that.
Perhaps you should identify yourself instead and put a name to your so opinionated SELF and see what you can handle then.
Why so shy? I mean...I am not shy to say HEY this is my blog, if you're not liking the reading...fuck off. 
I did not ask for your meaningless opinion nor do I care what you think about me. Since you don't have the BALLS to identify yourself.
With that I will just assume you are some middle aged loser, who's husband or wife has cheated on...or is not interested in any longer...or lives a very sad pitiful life, a very desperate for attention life if anything.
The worst part are such a sad individual you will never have what I HAVE in a million years.
I am fulfilled and complete...and amazing in every way. And please don't take this as a cocky statement.
Take this as someone who is confident enough to stand up and say...I KNOW WHO I AM and WHERE I STAND!
You clearly don't. You're not even able to identify yourself.
Pose me a real threat...and come tell me that garbage face to face...we'll see then who comes out breathing in the end.
Some people really have no fucking idea who they are dealing with. And here goes some friendly advice...
You probably don't want to find out!

On that note, the day you gather as many drama queen stalkers who are jealous of your life like I have, and haters, and people who simply just wanna completely throw away their own personalities so they can try and be like you...or...who knows...when you and your 7 month old baby almost get kidnapped, or...let's see...when someone threatens to kill themselves in front of you because you do not want to be with them...and so on...perhaps THEN you will live a day in my life and then understand that who needs a therapist yourself perhaps.
This is my fucking blog, I will say what I want...whenever the fuck I want...and if you don't wanna read it...too fucking bad...and if you have a problem with it...oh well figure it out. Leave ME alone, my family alone, my friends alone, and anything that has to do with me and or my name.

And time...GROW A PAIR! Name yourself ya piece of Garbage.

With THAT out of my time I blog I hope to bring only positive and great things to the people who actually care to read.
Much love to all.


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