Sunday, March 20, 2011

What to call them.

Often I could even say I am definitely part of the craziness, however in a totally different light...even from the inside I KNOW I am not comparable.
All anyone has to do is take a good look at me and spend longer than 10 minutes having a serious conversation with me they will know the difference.
Even the glow in my eyes, (when they are not glassy) can probably tell.

If you consider the fact that I am often stalked and harassed myself by the very same breed people perhaps would try to throw me in with...I can certainly tell you. 
God...I'd off myself if only I acted like any of the individuals who are in need of serious psychiatric help like some of them.
Here's my own definitions list.

- Psychologically damaged individuals with no life who prefer to dream about relationships they cannot attain with people they have never spent longer than 5 minutes with, within the 5 which they were seriously stalking and staring speechless while secretly hating the significant others of the ones they are in platonic love with.

- Psych Ward Material = Whom have chased not only those individuals but others who have absolutely NOTHING to do with the people they were originally stalking, but for no apparent reason they feel the need to bother, harass, threaten AND even impersonate others in order to try and be "out to get them". Unsuccessfully.

- Overweight, unsuccessful between early and late 20's females who have not succeeded in anything in life and feel tremendous rejection from the outside world, therefore they must get cooped up inside chasing every move and moment of people they will never be friends, acquainted or close to...EVER...because living a dream is easier than facing real life which would include: GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE, GO WORK OUT and lose the weight that drags you behind, SOCIALIZE WITH REAL PEOPLE other than those who apparently look the same as you and spend every hour of every day plotting on how to stalk a band, get a JOB...and when you DO make sure you don't spend every dollar of your paycheck on merch.

- Crazy Twats who prefer to not only stalk the BAND but also every living human being in their family and crew who breathes the same air they do, in a desperate attempt to feel so much closer to the people they desire so. Idealistically creating a perfect world where all of them live and socialize daily, and people are perfect living human beings who never get sick, fart, shit, stink NOR look like hell when they wake up, or FIGHT or are crabby assholes from time to time who don't give a shit and actually LAUGH at many of the fatass losers standing outside the bus. (can you say: Living in a dream bubble?) 
Holy SHIT wake the fuck up! 

I could go on and on and on....but mostly that is what I know from what I have personally seen.
Now let me tell ya about the kinds I deal with.

I get stalked, threatened, harassed and looked at with stink faces all the time anonymously OR even publicly by people who somehow are tyrants against the fact that I particularly do not like to mix up with the rest of them, nor be seen with them, nor be categorized as them because clearly I am of a different tribe.
So they feel the need to go ahead and try with all their might do something within their so thought "power" to destroy me as an individual.
Insert in the background: *Evil Laugh MUAHAHAHA we are going to take over the world! And destroy the good looking chick who doesn't mix with the rest of us because we are bat shit crazy!  MUAHAHHA! 

Somehow I am not sure, but I've been told my looks play a part on why I get the hate, my personality does also...why? NO IDEA.
Why would people who do not even KNOW ME...or the little least bit about me go ahead and hate me soooo damn much?
Is it because I tell them the truth?

I was just told last year at a concert, someone in particular "Enjoyed hanging out with me at a concert because they would get attention because of my presence there!" 
REALLY? ...REALLY? ...does it ever occur to anyone I am no special, nor more special than anyone else? And that I do not want to be USED as a passport of some kind, specially somewhere I am literally NOT special at all and could care less weather I get stared at or not...since I am there purely and solely to have a good time, and listen to long amazing guitar solos that musically fulfill my musical taste.

And along with that...quit stalking people who don't give a fuck about your existence, and OH quit thinking you're so damn special ...because...i have news for you.

and to me...not even the ones on stage are THAT special.
Humans are humans,....and treated like so in my world.
I don't give a shit if you're Jesus...I won't treat you any more special than I treat anyone around me.
THAT being said...
I am done.

And I said...good day.
Now go ahead and think whatever the fuck you want about me...cause I REALLY...don't give a shit.
I am who I am...and I will NEVER matter who you are. ...


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